Zerogw Backend Protocols ======================== HTTP Forwarding --------------- We use zeromq's request reply model for http forwarding (except for :ref:`long polling case `) Request ^^^^^^^ For each http request zerogw forwards a single multipart message. Request_id is sent like address data (message parts that can be read using XREP sockets only, and finished by empty message). After address data configured parts of the request are sent one by one as multipart message. E.g. if you have following in configuration:: zmq-forward: contents: - !Method - !Uri - !Header Cookie - !Body And you've got request:: POST /hello HTTP/1.1 Host: Cookie: example=cookie_value Content-Length: 8 PostBody You will receive following message parts (one line per message part):: POST /hello example=cookie_value PostBody It's up to the application for how to act upon it. Note if you set ``retry`` to something you can get same request twice. And if ``retry`` is set to ``!RetryFirst `` request id will be same for every attempt, if you've set ``retry`` to ``!RetryLast `` request id will change on each attempt. But usually request id is opaque for user in zeromq. Response ^^^^^^^^ Response can contain one, two or three parts for convenience. In the simple case you just send message body, as a single part message. Zerogw will respond with ``200 OK`` and that message body. If you respond with two messages first one will be status line, so yo can respond with 404 page like the following:: 404 Not Found

Page Not Found

.. note:: These ways are quite unuseful in real situations. ``Content-Length`` header will be added automatically, but you should configure specific ``Content-Type`` header in a config to be sure that browser will render page correctly when using this method If you need to supply headers you send 3 message parts. Second one is constructed from nul-terminated name/value header pairs:: 200 OK Content-Type\0text/html\0E-tag\0immortal\0 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .. note:: Last header value must be nul-terminated. You must not add ``Content-Length`` header as it will be generated automatically. Currently headers sent from backend will be appended to headers specified in config without overwriting, it can lead to unexpected behavior on some proxies or browsers so you should use use one or another way for each header type throught the whole application. .. _long_polling: WebSockets Backend Protocol --------------------------- Zerogw implements unified interface for application writers for both long polling and websockets. Both are used for bidirectional message channels from client to server. .. note:: There is no overhead of using long polling with normal http backend in zerogw if that suits your application. This interface is provided to make using either websockets or long polling transparent for both frontend and backend developer and provides reliable message stream. Zerogw to Backend Messages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Most messages from server to client consists of client id (long binary string of nonsense) and ascii command name, following more message parts which we will call arguments in the text below. Connection Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``connect`` is sent when new connection established, no arguments ``disconnect`` is sent when connection disconnected. All subscriptions (see below) are already cancelled so you don't need to remove them, but you can cleanup some application-specific data. No arguments Starting with v0.5.10: disconnect appends an cookie (see below) as an argument, if cookie is set (it breaks compatibility somewhat with versions starting with v0.5.8, which did not return cookie on the disconnect) Messages ~~~~~~~~ ``message`` message sent from frontend to websocket, has single argument - message text. Can be binary if the browser (or malicious client) sent binary data ``msgfrom`` message sent from frontend to websocket, has two arguments *cookie* and *message text*, latter is same as in ``message`` and former is an opaque string set by ``set_cookie`` (see below) Heartbeats ~~~~~~~~~~ There are two kinds of heartbeat messages: * plain heartbeat, activated by ``heartbeat-interval`` setting * synchronisation message containing connection ids, activated by ``sync-interval`` setting Both start with ``server id`` message. For the former server id is followed by literal ascii ``heartbeat``. Latter consists of literal ascii ``sync`` followed by pairs connection_id, cookie (latter is empty if cookie is not sent, but is always sent). Sync messages are only sent to named outputs (see below), and can be used to synchronize user list with backend in case of network failures (``connect`` or ``disconnect`` message lost), backend failures (could not process ``connect`` or ``disconnect`` message, because backend crashed when processing message) or zerogw crashes (zerogw can't send ``disconnect`` messages after restart). Backend to Zerogw Messages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Usually messages sent from backend are published using pubsub to several zerogw. This allows not to track where user currently is and also allows to publish messages to several users without doing that on backend. Direct Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :samp:`send, {conn_id}, {message}` sends message directly to the user. You can send binary message, but most browsers can read only text data, so use utf-8 :samp:`sendall, {message}` sends message to all connections. Of course addressees are limited to a single route, not to the whole zerogw. Note that message is also sent to unauthenticated connections. You need to subscribe all users to some topic and use ``publish`` if you want to send to authenticated users only. Topic Subscription ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Topics is a mechanism in zerogw which allows you to send message to several users effeciently. You first subscribe users to a topic, send publish a message to a topic, and all users get this message. Topic is an opaque binary string. Topics are created and removed on demand and are quite fast to use them for a lot of things. :samp:`subscribe, {conn_id}, {topic}` subscribes user :samp:`unsubscribe, {conn_id}, {topic}` unsubscribes user :samp:`publish, {topic}, {message}` publish message to a topic, message will be delivered to all users subscribed on the topic :samp:`drop, {topic}` delete topic, unsubscribing all the users Outputs ~~~~~~~ In addition to subscription clients on topics you can subscribe subset of client messages to a specific named backend (``named-outputs`` in config) :samp:`add_output, {conn_id}, {msg_prefix}, {name}` map prefix to specific output :samp:`del_output, {conn_id}, {msg_prefix}` unmap prefix As with subscriptions don't need to unmap anything from disconnected user. .. note:: it's your responsibility to clean user state from the backend. ``disconnect`` messages are sent to main backend only Cookie ~~~~~~ Cookie is a experimental feature of zerogw v0.5.8, which allows to prepend opaque data to all messages sent from a client. This is usually used to authorize connection without need to access authorization database on each user's message. Only one cookie can be attached at a time, but you can change the cookie at any time. Once set, you can't discard cookie. Once cookie attached all messages will be forwarded using ``msgfrom`` message type with cookie and data. :samp:`set_cookie, {conn_id}, {cookie}` set cookie for the connection, cookie is an opaque string .. note:: starting with v0.5.10 cookie set with ``set_cookie`` are sent in ``disconnect`` messages. Since disconnect can occur before you were able to set cookie you must tolerate different number of arguments in ``disconnect`` messsages.