Directory Config

A config in /etc/ciruela/configs/NAME.yaml describe synchronization of a single directory.

See overview of the configuration and config syntax for basics.


This is somewhat minimal config:

directory: /var/containers
append-only: true
num-levels: 1
upload-keys: [user1, ci2]

All properties above are required, except upload-keys. We may make more settings optional later, when more patterns appear.

Or a longer example with auto-clean enabled:

# /etc/ciruela/configs/project1.yaml
directory: /var/containers/project1
num-levels: 2
append-only: true
auto-clean: true
keep-min-directories: 2
keep-max-directories: 100
keep-recent: 1 day
keep-list-file: /some/external/system/project1-used-containers.txt

Options Reference


(required) A base path to a directory where these paths will be placed. This directory can be (temporarily) overridden in overrides.yaml.


(required) If set to true uploads will be rejected if a subdirectory with same name but different contents will be uploaded. It’s considered good design to use append-only: true if possible.

It only makes sense if num-levels is non-zero.


Under some circumstances the contents of the uploaded directory can be changed as a part of reconciliation of the cluster (i.e. if different hosts accepted different contents for the directory).

So if you have strict requirements you have to use some consistent storage to bookkeep contents (ciruela is AP system, meaning it prefers availability over consistency).


(required) Number of levels of subdirectories to accept. Zero means no subdirectory, meaning the directory has to be atomically uploaded as a whole. Zero is useless with append-only: true. Otherwise arbitrary positive integer may be specified although some small value like 1, 2 or maybe 3 make the most sense.

Let’s study some use cases:

  1. /var/containers contain directory for containers. Each container is /etc/containers/app.v123. Set num-levels to 1 and append-only to true.
  2. /etc/nginx contain nginx configuration. Set num-levels to 0, and append-only to false. In this case you will always upload the whole nginx config and it will switch atomically.
  3. /var/indices contains multiple indexes of some imaginary replicated DB and each index has multiple versions: /var/indices/documents/20170101-1653. Set num-levels to 2 and ciruela will automatically create first level directories and will atomically update and move second-level directories.


When num-levels is 0 ciruela must be able to write a to the parent directory of the directory. For example, if you want to update /etc/ningx, the tool is going to write /etc/.tmp.nginx.cr1d2e3a then atomically move it to /etc/nginx.


(default false) Enable cleanup of this directory. Every directory up to num_levels-1 is a separate directory to do cleanup according to keep-* rules.

Here is an example of a directory with auto-clean configured:

# /etc/ciruela/configs/project1.yaml
directory: /var/containers/project1
num-levels: 2
append-only: true
auto-clean: true
keep-min-directories: 2
keep-max-directories: 100
keep-recent: 1 day
keep-list-file: /some/external/system/project1-used-containers.txt

(optional) Read the file for a list of subdirs to keep in this directory. It’s needed to keep external system(s) in sync with expections.

The file is a directory name per line. If num-levels > 1, then the path of a directory (dir1/dir) per line should be specified. Intermediate directories are ignored in this case (empty intermediate directories are cleaned when empty).

Currently, we use the file to skip cleanup of the subdirectories. But we will also download the images in the list if new record appears.

Only used when auto-clean is enabled.


(default 2) Minimum number of recent subdirectories to keep for this directory.

Only used when auto-clean is enabled.


(default 100) Maximum number of recent subdirectories to keep for this directory.

Only used when auto-clean is enabled.


(default 2 days) Keep directories uploaded within this number of days. Recent directories can be cleaned if there are more than keep-max-directories of them. And older directories are left only if there are less than keep-min-directories ones which are more recent than keep-recent setting.

Note: we track recency of the directory not by upload timestamp on this specific machine, but by timestamp used in signature which is created when upload was first initiated into a cluster.