Struct rotor_stream::Intent
pub struct Intent<M>(_, _, _);
A structure that encapsulates a state machine and an expectation
It's usually built with a builder that starts with Intent::of(machine)
Then you add an expectation:
Intent::of(machine).expect_delimiter("\n", 1024)
And then you may add a timeout (in form of "deadline" or "absolute time"):
Intent::of(machine).expect_bytes(100) .deadline( + Duration::new(10, 0))
impl<M> Intent<M>
fn of(machine: M) -> IntentBuilder<M>
Start building the Intent object of the state machine
fn done() -> Self
Notifies that state machine has done it's work
fn error(e: Box<Error>) -> Self
Notifies that we have protocol error and connection should be closed
fn deadline(self, deadline: Time) -> Intent<M>
Add/change the deadline
Note: if you skip this method on next return timeout will be reset. Which means this state machine may hang indefinitely.
fn deadline_opt(self, deadline: Option<Time>) -> Intent<M>
Add/change the deadline as an optional value
Note this will reset timeout if deadline is None, not keep unchanged